
Since 2003

and grace:

- To achievements and successful experiences in local turnkey telecommunications services

- to the added value of its solutions made available to support its customers in the deployment of their network and to the

Hayatcom :

- Forged strategic partnership links with the most prominent international players in the telecommunications sector

- Managed to position itself as a leader in the local market

But over the years;

Hayatcom is operating in a historic, single market, in the process of saturation, which has become highly competitive and low-paying,

For this purpose,

Hayatcom has set a target of :

• Finding new channels of growth for the local market and avoiding dependence on it

• Look at and explore opportunities that could arise beyond borders (Conquer new markets, new customers and meet new customers who may be interested in its services abroad)

• stand out from the competition

• Increase its turnover and its ROI

to do so;

Hayatcom has worked and succeeded in developing its international presence and expanding its geographical presence by establishing itself in 6 African countries and establishing a subsidiary in France:

Hayatcom has 3 subsidiaries in:

- DRC since 2017

-Ethiopia since 2021

-France since 2022

And has 4 branches in

- Burkina Faso since 2017

- Libya since 2018

-Morocco since 2019

-Equatorial Guinea since 2019