customer satisfaction
mutual respect
Collective Performance
equality of opportunity
QSE commitment
In 2019, HAYATCOM TUNISIA implemented an integrated management system Quality Health and Safety Environment and was certified in 2020 on the standards
- ISO 9001 V2015: Management and Quality System
- ISO 45001 V2018: Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- ISO 14001 V2015: Environmental Management System
All the employees of HAYATCOM TUNISIA are responsible and involved both individually and collectively in the application of the provisions put in place relating to the QSE System and have the duty and are committed to ensure daily compliance with the obligations and requirements related to the QSE policy and corresponding commitments.
All employees have the duty to respect the obligations related to the preservation of health, the protection of the environment and strict compliance with the laws and regulations in force.
The various directorates of HAYATCOM TUNISIA and its activities are concerned with the evaluation, the measurement of results and the implementation of action plan for the continuous improvement of this system.
The General Management of HAYATCOM TUNISIA is committed to implementing all the necessary means to implement these QSE policies, to support the involvement of the management team and all employees.
HAYATCOM TUNISIA is committed to the continuous improvement of its QSE management system, to apply the procedures and processes put in place, to review its relevance and effectiveness on a regular basis and to provide the necessary means to achieve the expected objectives .
HAYATCOM TUNISIA is committed to keeping the satisfaction of its customers at the heart of its concerns, to preserve the safety and health of its employees while acting on the protection of the environment.
Our QSE Policy Commitments
- customer satisfaction
- Provide our clients with quality services
- Ensure compliance of our services
- Adapt to the demands, requirements and expectations of our customers
- honour our commitments
- respect the deadlines
- Increase our performance
- Promoting and sustaining good practices
- Identify and prevent and control health & safety risks
- Improve health and safety management and performance
- Ensure the protection of employees
- Preserving the physical and moral health of collaborators and stakeholders
- Reducing accidents and occupational diseases
- Reduce hazardous situations and risks associated with each work situation
- Check and maintain all PPE equipment available to collaborators
- Be socially engaged
- Value and develop the skills of its employees
- Contribute to well-being and quality of life at work
- Optimize and limit consumption and waste
- Preventing pollution risks
- Reduce our consumption of energy and natural resources
- Promoting environmental approaches